Confesiones Verdaderas/XIV
"I was always [creative] as a kid—maybe because I had polio and was quarantined from other kids, plus my father moved a lot so I never really had friends. But when I was 17 or 18 I suddenly came a little bit into my own in the drama department in high school. I used to work as a drama counselor… in some camps in upstate New York. And I’d do the plays with the six and seven year olds, and at the end of the year I’d do plays with all the different camps combined. And I always loved being with children, and I think I was a really good counselor. I had a bunk with nine little boys, and I’d read them books and go on treasure hunts and just have a fun time...
I was married and had kids pretty young, at 23, and by the time I made Godfather, I had three kids. And I just enjoyed my children. It’s always a shock for me to see how old the men are today before they get around to having kids. I had a 20-year-old son (Gian-Carlo) when I was 42. And now his daughter is 21, so I’m in line to someday be a great-grandfather, which is a thrill. My children were always a delight to me, so much so that I always brought them with me, which is something I picked up from my father... So as a rule I always took my family with me, and as a result my kids were all raised around movie sets and are all now in the movie business. I also had many nieces and nephews, and at Napa we’d have them in the summer, and I’d say, 'Awright, this is gonna be one-act play summer.' And everyone would go [mimics] 'Aww, we donwanna do one-act plays, we wanna go fishing, it’s summer.' But little by little, they all did one-act plays. So out of those summers, all these talented kids came. Sofia. Jason Schwartzman. They blossomed out of the experience of doing shows when they were 16, 17. So the young generation being creative seems natural to me...
My parents always went, 'You didn’t do well, you’re never going to amount to anything.' Well when a parent tells that to a kid it’s like God telling them that. We used to tell Sofia, You’re Superwoman, you can do anything!`' And she’s fearless, that girl...".
Francis Ford Coppola en entrevista con Harlan Jacobson, publicada en el número de enero/febrero de 2008 de Film Comment. La versión completa de la entrevista, aquí.